TheMuseum's FLOW exhibit tackles taboo topic of menstruation

TheMuseum in Kitchener wants to de-stigmatize the process of menstruation through its newest exhibit FLOW, a collection of art installations reflecting the topic of monthly bleeding and reproductive health.
"This exhibition is really about trying to destigmatize the ideas around menstruation and to bring it into normal every day conversations for people," said Virginia Eichhorn, the curator of the exhibit.

"It's something people are really talking about a lot more and thinking about as far as health reasons, environmental alternatives and trying to reduce the social taboos," she said.
"Because of course, menstruation is also a really great indicator of women's health. If some women aren't bringing that up with their doctors or caregivers because they're embarrassed, that can have serious consequences."

The exhibit includes installations, performance, dance, paint and embroidery. It runs until May 28.