University of Guelph won't say how many coaches it's let go due to code of conduct violations
'Small number' of coaches let go since code of conduct updated, university says

The University of Guelph says it has cut ties with "a small number" of coaches due to violations of its coaches' code of conduct, but won't say how many coaches have been let go or what sports they were involved in.
The university said in a news release posted online Feb. 21 that the relationships were ended after the code of conduct was updated in 2018.
In response to inquiries from CBC about the coaches, university spokesperson Lori Bona-Hunt said in an email that "all of the information that we are releasing has been posted to the university web page."
Since then, no new information on the subject has been posted.
The announcement comes in the wake of the firing of former University of Guelph track and field coach Dave Scott-Thomas. The university said it received a complaint from a family member of a student-athlete in 2006. An investigation by the university with an independent, external investigator determined at the time that some misconduct had taken place. Scott-Thomas was suspended for four weeks with pay.
A feature investigation by the Globe and Mail alleged Scott-Thomas "groomed" a former runner for a sexual relationship beginning when she was a teenager.
According to the Feb. 21 news release, the university said it doesn't typically comment on human resources matters, but did so in Scott-Thomas' case due to the "unique and deeply troubling circumstances" involved.
"For the University of Guelph, the dialogue has been critically important and has shone a light on the toxic environment that had been fostered and encouraged by coaches who are no longer with the organization," the university said.
The university's Guelph Gryphons coaches' code of conduct is four pages long. It includes guidelines about respect, maintaining health and physical safety, responsible coaching and integrity.
According to the coaches' code of conduct, prohibited behaviours range from cheating and bribing, to driving a car while under the influence of alcohol, to engaging in sexual intimacy with an athlete or sport participant the coach has access to.
Attempts to reach Scott-Thomas for an interview have been unsuccessful.