Warm weather raises water levels in Grand River watershed
The Grand River Conservation Authority is warning residents that warmer temperatures and rain will raise water levels in local streams and rivers and could pose a serious hazard.
Stay off the ice, warns GRCA

The Grand River Conservation Authority is warning residents that warmer temperatures and rain will raise water levels in local streams and rivers and could pose a serious hazard.
Environment Canada forecast a high of 4 C for Waterloo region on Tuesday, and between 10 to 15 mm of rain could fall by Tuesday afternoon in the southern portion of the Grand River watershed.
Those conditions could weaken existing ice, and people should stay off rivers, streams and lakes, which may not be frozen over any longer.
However, water levels are not expected to rise enough to cause flooding problems, though levels will stay high into the weekend.
The GRCA also reminds residents that river and creek banks are slippery and dangerous.