Graphic shows how 1 case of COVID-19 can spread within days
'Our actions matter,' public health says in social media post

Region of Waterloo Public Health officials have released a new infographic explaining how one person with COVID-19 attending a party can spread the virus to homes, schools and workplaces in a matter of days.
"Our actions matter," public health said on Twitter. "An individual with symptoms attended a large social gathering. Within a week, in Waterloo region, 15 more confirmed cases and 33 high-risk contacts were identified."
The infographic was released the same day Waterloo region reported 42 new cases of COVID-19. In just November, there have been 141 new cases of the virus. The region was also placed in the "yellow/protect" category of the province's COVID-19 framework, meaning there is targeted enforcement, fines and enhanced education to limit further spread of the virus.
Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, the region's acting medical officer of health, says many cases are being spread by close contact - situations where people feel familiar with individuals outside their households so they may be getting closer than two meters for prolonged periods of time and they may not wear a mask.
Public health officials say people need to stay home if they experience any symptoms, including if they're mild. For people who live with others, it's also important to self-isolate within the home when possible.
"We all have a role to play," public health tweeted.
Practice proper respiratory etiquette: <br>➡️Wash your hands thoroughly and often. <br>➡️Avoid touching your face.<br>➡️Cover your coughs and sneezes. (7/9)
We all have a role to play. Following self-isolation guidance and the direction of case and contact management helps reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community. For more information visit <a href=""></a> (9/9)