Waterloo Region's 1st West Nile Virus case of the year reported
An adult who contracted West Nile virus is the first human case of the year in Waterloo Region, according to the region's public health department.

An adult who contracted West Nile virus is the first human case of the year in Waterloo Region, according to the region's public health department.
The adult is recovering, according to a release issued by the department.
West Nile virus is a mosquito-borne illness with symptoms that include headache, high fever, body aches and a rash. In more severe cases there may be mental confusion, muscle weakness, paralysis or encephalitis, a swelling of the brain.
To avoid getting sick, public health recommends avoiding getting bitten by mosquitos.
- wear loose-fitting, light-coloured long pants and long-sleeved shirts
- apply a repellant with DEET
- repair holes in screen doors and windows
- eliminate standing water on your property by emptying flower pot saucers and eavestroughs
- change bird bath water at least once a week
- cover your outdoor rain barrels with a fine mesh screen