Laurier 2018 homecoming was largest on record, police say
Waterloo Regional Police Service says the event drew more than 14,000 people

According to a report from the Waterloo Regional Police Service, this year's Laurier homecoming was the largest unsanctioned street party the event has ever seen.
Police say the event drew more than 14,000 people. In total, a dozen were arrested and 462 charges were laid throughout the course of the day, "reflecting the highest number of charges ever laid in relation to this event," the report reads.
At the police services board meeting on Wednesday afternoon, regional councillor Tom Galloway asked if Laurier will be paying any of the costs associated with policing the event.
Chief Bryan Larkin says he will be discussing this with the university in the coming weeks as they "debrief" on what happened.
Larkin also says they don't have the full cost analysis done for the event because they're still waiting to get an invoice from Peel Regional Police Service, which was called in to help.
"The homecoming issue is a large dialogue, we're currently participating in the mayor's task force," Larkin said.
"Our service will spearhead a provincial initiative with other police services that face student challenges, student housing, student issues on unsanctioned parties to look at best practices... options for long term solutions," he said.
In the report, police say "of particular concern were the number of dangerous condition calls, which included persons perched on the edge of a roof on a high-rise building more than one occasion" and people "trapped in elevators multiple times due to overcrowding."