#LONDONVOTES: Advance polls open today
London becomes first municipality in Canada to use ranked choice balloting

London voters eager to cast their ballots in the upcoming municipal election can get an early start Thursday as the first of a series of advanced polls open.
Voters can cast their ballots for mayor, city council and school board trustee with voting booths set up at both Western University and Fanshawe College's London campus from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
A number of other advance polls continue through to Oct. 13 ahead of voting day on Oct. 22.
Voters only need to bring identification that states their home address to cast a ballot. It could be a driver's licence, a credit card bill — even a cheque. Voters without identification can vote after taking an oath at the poll.
Also, anyone can cast a ballot in advance polls regardless of where they live. That won't be the case on Oct. 22, when voters can only vote at polling stations in the ward where they live.
"These advance polls are vote anywhere," said City Clerk Cathy Saunders. "Any member of the city that is eligible to vote in the municipal election can go to any of these polls to vote prior to voting day. On voting day, they would have to go to the poll they are assigned to."
This is a landmark election for London, as the Forest City becomes the first municipality in Canada to use ranked-choice ballots for mayor and ward council races — school board trustee races remain first-past-the-post.
"Voters should be aware they have the option of voting for up to three candidates in their first, second and third preference," Saunders said.
Information about how ranked choice voting works is available here on the city's website.
If you want to know where your voting day poll is located, you can enter your address here on the city's website and it will tell you where you'll be voting on Oct. 22.
Workers at the polls will also be able to help voters with questions.
An information sheet about ranked choice balloting is posted at the bottom of this story.
The following video also explains how it works.
Complete list of advance polls:
Thursday, Oct. 4:
- Western University, UCC Building, 2nd Floor (near bookstore)
- Fanshawe College, Student Centre, Alumni Lounge.
Saturday, Oct. 6:
- London City Hall.
- Malls: Northland, White Oaks, Westmount.
- Libraries: East London, Masonville, Sherwood Forest, Cherryhill.
Tuesday, Oct. 9 and Wednesday Oct. 10:
- London City Hall.
Thursday, Oct. 11:
- London City Hall.
- Malls: Northland, White Oaks, Westmount.
- Libraries: East London, Masonville, Sherwood Forest, Cherryhill.
- London Health Sciences Centre: Victoria and University Hospitals.
Friday, Oct. 12:
- London City Hall.
Saturday, Oct. 13:
- London City Hall.
- Malls: Northland, White Oaks, Westmount.
- Libraries: East London, Masonville, Sherwood Forest, Cherryhill.
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