'It warms my heart': City's kindness meters pay out
More than $1600 in change was raised in the first three months

Londoners have chipped in more than $1600 in change to four repurposed parking meters that are scattered across the city in an effort to raise money for local charities.
Lincoln McCardle, the mastermind behind the city's 'kindness meters', has been working with the city for two years to bring the bright blue meters to city parks.
"It is amazing. It warms my heart," McCardle said. "Obviously it's not going to make a dent in huge issues of poverty and homelessness but it is money that we didn't have before. I think every little bit helps."
"For a small charity doing work in our community, this could really make a difference," said McCardle. "It also gets people thinking about it and talking about the issues. The money raised is just the cherry on top."
McCardle asked Londoners to choose two new charities where future proceeds can be donated. Mission Services and Youth Opportunities Unlimited were chosen.
He said he hopes people will continue to donate even when the weather gets cold and fewer people are in parks.
The city initially installed five meters, however, one was stolen from Ivey Park in the first week. McCardle is working with the city to have it reinstalled.