London high school students to attend class every other day
The Thames Valley District School Board said the new schedule will help reduce contacts

High school students with the Thames Valley District School Board will have a new schedule starting Nov. 17 as the second 'quadmester' begins.
They'll be attending class every other day, as opposed to the current schedule which sees them at school three days one week, and two days the next.
London's largest school board made the announcement at Tuesday night's board meeting saying it had consulted with the Ministry of Education on the upcoming changes.
"In an effort to reduce contacts over the day and to stagger breaks, we'll be adjusting the daily schedule," Associate Director Riley Culhane said.
"This will reduce traffic in the hallways and in the washroom and it will allow our students to have lunch at a more reasonable time during the day," Culhane said.

An example of the new daily schedule was shown to the board with classes beginning at 8:30 a.m. for all grade levels, with two breaks in between, for a total of three classes. Lunch would start at 12:50, followed by a study hall in the afternoon.
Culhane said students are free to leave for home at lunch and can complete the study hall portion of the day there.