London party-goers contract COVID-19 with possible spread to Waterloo, Hamilton
8 people, all in their 20s, tested positive and health officials worry others are at risk

One backyard party in mid-June that violated social gathering rules has infected eight people in London, with health authorities saying more people could be a risk outside of the city.
The Middlesex London Health Unit said six women and two men, all in their 20s, attended an outdoor BBQ at a private home that had approximately 25 people present. On June 24, several days after the party, two people tested positive.
Since then, six others linked to the party have tested positive, including two new cases reported Monday.
Contact tracing has also shown those people with positive tests continued to attend large gatherings in London and outside city limits, including in Waterloo and Hamilton. These people were socializing before their results were known.
"This outbreak highlights the need for ongoing caution during the reopening phases this summer," said Middlesex-London's Medical Officer of Health Dr. Chris Mackie.
"Limit gatherings to no more than 10 people, wash hands often, keep two metres apart, and wear a mask in indoor public spaces."
The initial party would have been held shortly after Middlesex-London moved into phase 2. Mackie said contact tracing is continuing.
Both Mackie and London's Mayor Ed Holder scolded the people at the BBQ, calling their behaviour unacceptable.