London red-light cameras begin delivering data and money for city
City will have 10 cameras operating by the fall

London drivers who run red lights are starting to contribute data — and money in the form of $325 fines — to the city's red-light camera program.
The city has installed eight cameras to catch red-light runners at select intersections. Two more intersections will come on line this fall.
The cameras capture licence plate numbers of vehicles that run red lights and issue an offence notice which drivers receive in the mail.
Over an 11-day period, the camera at Springbank Drive and Wonderland road caught nine drivers. The camera came on line late June and the city received the data at the end of July.
Shane Maguire, who manages the program for the city, admits the sample size is small but believes the cameras are having a positive effect.
"From driving around the city, I've seen drivers perhaps obeying the signals a bit better than they used to," he said. "I think the message is getting out there to get people to improve their driving behaviour."
Drivers caught by the cameras face the same $325 fine they would incur if they were caught by police. The only upside is they won't face the usual three demerit points on their vehicle insurance.
London is spending $760,000 every year to a third-party operator to run the program. The contract will continue for five years, with an option to renew for another five.
Maguire said program costs will be offset by the fine revenue.
Each possible infraction is processed by employees at the City of Toronto. Maguire said having the infractions processed in Toronto allows London to avoid high startup costs and ensures the infractions are processed consistently.
Maguire said the city won't have collision data for intersections with red light cameras until December.
Red light camera locations
- Springbank Drive at Wonderland Road.
- Commissioners Road at Wellington Road.
- Dundas Street at Clarke Road.
- Exeter Road at Wharncliffe Road.
- Huron Street at Highbury Avenue.
- Oxford Street at Wonderland Road.
- Queens Avenue at Adelaide Street.
- Windermere Road at Richmond Street.
Cameras coming on line this fall:
- Oxford Street at Adelaide Street.
- Queens Avenue at Talbot Street.