Flood survival kit: Road closures, bus detours, trouble areas
Closures include major roads, including parts of Riverside Drive and Wonderland

The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority has issued a flood warning and the city closed several roads due to rising water levels.
Drivers reported very slow commute times during this morning's commute, particularly for those travelling to London from areas west of the city.
City road closures

The city is telling residents that there may be delays in their commute because of the closures.
"If there's a barricade on a road, please don't try to drive into any standing water or around any barricades," said Teresa Hollingsworth, a manager with the Upper Thames Conservation Authority. "The municipality is trying to keep you safe."
As of 2 p.m. today, the city closed the following roads:
- Windermere Road between Doon Drive and Adelaide Street North.
- Walnut Street, Cavendish Crescent and Wyatt Street
- Empress Avenue between Argyle Street and Blackfriars Street.
- Dingman Road between Old Victoria and Highbury Roads.
- Westminster Road east of Wonderland Road.
Roads that have reopened:
- Wonderland Road, north and southbound, at Riverside Drive.
- Riverside Drive between Wharncliffe Road and Woodward Avenue.
- Hamilton Road between Commissioners and Clarke Roads.
- Third Street between Dundas Street and Parkhurst Avenue
- Pine Street at Hume Street and Adelaide Street
- Hume Street at Sycamore Street
Third Street between Dundas Street and Parkhurst Avenue and Pine Street at Hume Street and Adelaide Street were closed last night, but have since reopened.
Bus detours

The London Transit Commission reported several bus detours on Wednesday due to flooding.
Some route affected include:
- Routes 9, 20 - both eastbound and westbound routes
- Route 10 - northbound
- Route 19 - both westbound and eastbound routes
- Route 32 - eastbound and westbound routes
More details can be found here.
On the lookout
A montage of some of the flooding in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ldnont?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Ldnont</a> today <a href="https://t.co/burWdl4N9g">pic.twitter.com/burWdl4N9g</a>
Residents are being asked to stay clear of Thames River. They're also being told to use caution around natural water bodies and storm water ponds
Flood coordinators continue to monitor the following locations in London:
- Waubuno Creek
- North Thames River
- Parking lot adjacent to McNay Drain in North Thames floodplain
- City pumping station in Elgin Hall parking lot
- Gibbons Park, Harris Park and Coves Trailer park
- Monitor City dyke system
- Pottersburg Creek at Oxford Street
- Thames River at Wellington and Front Streets
- Dingman Creek
- Western University: Elgin Hall and Talbot parking lots; Tennis Centre; Westminster residence
The city reports there is also a risk of flooding along Windermere Road, west of Adelaide Street.
The London Christian Academy on Charles Street is closed because of a power outage.
City warns of possible basement flooding

Meanwhile, the City of London is warning homeowners about the possibility of basement flooding.
The city's flooding tips include:
- If you have a backwater valve and/or sump pump, ensure they are in good working order and are operational during this time.
- Keep your drains unobstructed – do not pour grease down the drain or flush objects down the toilet.
- Make sure downspouts slope away from the house.
- Inspect your basement walls and floor for cracks.
Additional flooding resources are available here.
There's also these tips to minimize flooding damage.
Residents can make service calls about a basement or yard flooding by calling the City at 519-661-4570 between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., or call 519-661-4965 after hours.