Tillsonburg, Ont., golf course charged for reopening during stay-at-home order
The Bridges golf course opened over the weekend during a provincial lockdown

A Tillsonburg, Ont., golf course that opened last weekend and is still booking tee times despite a provincial lockdown that specifically bans such outdoor activities is now facing charges from the Ontario Provincial Police.
The Bridges at Tillsonburg golf club has been charged with failing to comply with the Reopening Ontario Act. As a corporation charged under the act, it faces a fine of up to $10-million if convicted.
Representatives of the golf course have been asked to appear in court in Woodstock on June 3.
Reached this morning, an employee of the course said she wasn't aware of the charges, but that tee times are still being booked.
"We're still golfing," she said.
The OPP laid the charges on Thursday. Officers were at the course on the weekend monitoring the activity there.
"The OPP is requesting that businesses and members of the public voluntarily comply with the government-mandated shutdown and the stay-at-home order," the provincial police force said in a statement.
The Bridges website states the club has implemented protocols to ensure golfers are able to play safely.
"We are excited to be open and the course is in fantastic condition," the welcome message reads, and asks golfers to practice social distancing.
Tillsonburg is about 45 km southeast of London, Ont.