Heavy rain in the forecast for London
Environment Canada warning of rainfall of 15 to 30 mm Tuesday night into Wednesday morning

Environment Canada has issued a special weather statement for London and surrounding areas including Parkhill, Strathroy, Komoka and Middlesex County.
These areas are expected to get significant rainfall Tuesday night followed by strong winds beginning early Wednesday morning.
15 to 30 mm of rain is expected to fall — most of it overnight.
A sharp arctic cold front is expected to blast across the region early Wednesday bringing with wind gusts of up to 80 km/h.
The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) issued a watershed conditions statement in anticipation of the rainfall.
"The ground is pretty wet still and in some areas the ground is still frozen. So we're expecting that we may see a little bit of flooding but not anticipating anything major at this time," said Eleanor Heagy, representative for UTRCA.
If you have children or pets then make sure they stay out of any flood waters and well away from any watercourses.- Eleanor Heagy, UTRCA
UTRCA is also reminding people to be cautious around waterways.
"Flood waters are dangerous. The water is really really cold. Stream banks are slippery, the mud is slippery so just stay away from the water," she said.