You'll need to be double vaxxed if you want to go to this London music venue
The Aeolian Hall has taken mandate matters into their own hands

There's one music venue in London, Ont. that isn't waiting for the provincial government to implement a vaccine passport system.
People wanting to see a show at the Aeolian Hall will need to be double vaccinated to get in their doors.
"I just could not, with a good conscience, let people into the hall who may be spreaders of this disease, even though, you know, double vaccinated people who hopefully are all there would be less susceptible," said Aeolian's artistic and executive director, Clark Bryan.
"It's just not responsible," he added.
They won't be asking for actual proof of vaccination; it will be an honour system.
The performing arts centre has only had one in-person event since implementing the vaccine rule.
"It's hard to describe the feelings and sentiments that went on that night at the hall," said Bryan. "You know, from the volunteer reunion, after a year and a half, to the artists actually having an audience. It was pretty amazing."
There were approximately 100 people in attendance, including volunteers. Patrons had to wear their masks the entire time, unless they were eating or drinking, and they were physically distanced.
They also take other precautions like checking the temperature of all attendees and sanitizing the chairs afterwards.
"Just trying to put into place all of the precautions that I felt were necessary well beyond, of course, what the province is requiring," he said.
Bryan believes that it "would show great leadership and a great sense of values" for the provincial government to implement a vaccine pass system on their own.
Aeolian Hall hasn't experienced any pushback from people wanting to come in who haven't got their shot, but Bryan explained they've only had one live concert so far and it was more of a family and friends affair.
"People were actually incredibly grateful that we were going that route," he said.