United Way launching 211 website to connect people with services
Heather Block says it will show the ‘service that’s most appropriate, closest to where they are’

Everyone knows 911, others know 411 and some may have even called 311 a time or two. Now, in Manitoba, when people need help, they can check out 211.
People can't dial the number just yet, but the new online service from United Way and Volunteer Manitoba will connect people with the services they need closest to where they are.
"211 is an online database that has all of the health and social services throughout our province listed," said Heather Block, director of strategic initiatives at United Way.
"It has a very easy to use search technology so that when a person has an issue that they are trying to find support or help with they can go to the website."
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For example, if someone is looking for support around parenting issues they can head to the web page, which goes live on Thursday, and click on the children and parenting category. The person will then be brought to a list of parenting programs. Once a postal code is entered, it will show which ones are closest.
Block said the goal is to provide people with information about "service that's most appropriate, closest to where they are."
Manitoba's a little late on the game, she added. The service is already available in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan (online only), Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Nunavut.
"The one advantage I guess to being late to the party is we are able to learn from the other 211s. So we gained a lot of help from the others," she said.
The long term plan is also to add a phone line and an online chat to the page, but Block said they need to find funding before expanding.
For now, she is just excited to get feedback.