Corey Shefman
Corey Shefman is a lawyer at Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP, representing Indigenous peoples, persons and organizations, and is an expert advisor with EvidenceNetwork.ca at the University of Winnipeg. Follow Corey on Twitter @coreyshefman.
Latest from Corey Shefman

When rights collide: Law societies must stand for justice by denying Trinity Western accreditation
In a society that prizes the "rights and freedoms" guaranteed to us by our constitution, sorting through what to do when rights collide can be challenging. Last month, the Supreme Court of Canada dealt with that very issue.
Canada -Manitoba |

5 tasty twists on rugelach — Hanukkah's answer to the traditional Christmas cookie
Great Canadian Baking Show baker, Corey Shefman, on this unique, versatile treat that's incredibly easy to make.
Life -Food |

Canadians can do better than Sun News Network
The disappearance of Sun News is not a loss as much as it is a reminder that especially in today's digital world, not all media is created equal, writes Corey Shefman.
Canada -Manitoba |

Righting the ship: Bowman on right course, with a long journey ahead
At this point in Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman’s tenure, there’s no doubt he is trying to do things differently than his predecessor. But he needs a fresh start in order to make the sort of wholesale change Winnipeggers had voted for, writes Corey Shefman.
Canada -Manitoba |

Want to protect freedom of expression? Strengthen hate speech laws
The aftermath of the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris reminds us that free expression must have limits, writes Corey Shefman.
Canada -Manitoba |

Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada
Last week, I jaywalked right in front of a police cruiser. The officers smiled and nodded as we made eye contact. #CrimingWhileWhite
Canada -Manitoba |