Domanie Billinghurst-Schadek
Domanie Billinghurst-Schadek is a graduate of the University of Manitoba. She is a wife and mother to two tiny humans and three dogs. She is proud to be a music educator in Winnipeg and dedicated to making arts education accessible to everyone.
Latest from Domanie Billinghurst-Schadek

Parent-educator questions crash course in pandemic school plans
Individual schools and school divisions will have to come up with their own distancing plans, in the case of low to moderate risk of COVID-19. But who will do that in the summer months?
Canada -Manitoba |

Manitoba needs to fix 'disorganized mess' that is pandemic education plan, says mom and teacher
Manitoba's approach to education during the coronavirus pandemic "has been a disorganized mess at best — and an absolutely embarrassing dumpster fire at worst," says parent and music educator Domanie Billinghurst-Schadek.
Canada -Manitoba |