Margaux Watt
CBC Radio Current Affairs Producer
Latest from Margaux Watt

Modern Families
Unique Winnipeg housing co-op struggles to find roommates
Beverly Suek's unique housing idea in Winnipeg has attracted a lot of attention. But despite all the interest, there's been reluctance to actually joining the housing co-op for women over 50.
Canada -Manitoba |
Modern families: 'You don't worry about being alone'
Winnipeg grandmother Corazon MacNeil is part of a growing trend in this country. She lives in a multi-generational household, under the same roof as her adult son, his wife and their two young children.
Canada -Manitoba |
Modern families: Millennials and parents make it work
Many households today are quite different from a generation ago. More people are living alone. Multi-generational households are on the rise. And if you have children, chances are they're staying at home longer.
Canada -Manitoba |

Video commenting
'Nothing's held back': Manitobans in the public eye experience range of rudeness on social media
Althea Guiboche, a well known anti-poverty activist in Winnipeg, says 'block and delete' work wonders.
Canada -Manitoba |

Video commenting
'The more I cried, the more they laughed': Rude customers part of the job for retail workers
Cella Lao Rousseau will never forget the day customers made her cry in the retail store where she worked.
Canada -Manitoba |

'Rudeness is one of the biggest issues facing workplaces today': leadership expert
Emily Drake still remembers an early encounter with uncivil behaviour on the job. She had just started working in the film and television industry and her new boss was yelling at her and others on the production set could hear it.
Canada -Manitoba |

How rude are Winnipeg drivers?
Adam Anna finds "Friendly Manitoba" licence plates somewhat ironic. "I've been to other cities where they're a lot more friendly when it comes to just letting someone into the lane," Anna said.
Canada -Manitoba |
Cree bilingual class holds special meaning for Winnipeg dad, teacher
Russell Murdock knew right away he wanted his son Kingston enrolled in a Cree bilingual class, when it first became available in Winnipeg last fall.
Canada -Manitoba |

5 years later, 2011 Manitoba flood victims still recovering
This week, CBC's Information Radio is reconnecting with two families we met during the 2011 Manitoba flood, to discover how they're doing five years later.
Canada -Manitoba |

Manitoba reeve recalls scary 2012 wildfire in Vita
As Jim Swidersky's heart goes out to the people of Fort McMurray, in the wake of the massive wildfire that has devastated the Alberta community, his mind goes back to the moment he ordered the evacuation of Vita, Man., nearly four years ago.
Canada -Manitoba |