Matt Henderson
Matt Henderson, who has a master's degree in education, is the assistant superintendent, curriculum and programs, of the Seven Oaks School Division. He is the former principal of the Maples Met School in Winnipeg and a winner of the Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Teaching. He ran for the New Democratic Party in the 2015 federal election.
Latest from Matt Henderson
Beware of two-tiered system in sweeping K-12 reforms, Manitoba educator says
The province's proposed education reforms in Bill 64 leave Manitoba on the precipice of possibly eroding our public education system and we need to take extreme caution, writes Seven Oaks School Division assistant superintendent Matt Henderson.
Canada -Manitoba |

Public school teachers driven by passion, not market forces, educator writes
I have always said that powerful teachers exude three values: they fundamentally love kids, they are always honing their technique and never satisfied, and they have what I call the "bring it" factor.
Canada -Manitoba |

Tackling the 'wicked problem' of trying to educate kids at home during the COVID-19 pandemic
For parents and educators, the "wicked problem" during the COVID-19 pandemic will be trying to educate children at home, compounded issues like poverty and the stress of ensuring that families are safe, says Seven Oaks School Division assistant superintendent Matt Henderson.
Canada -Manitoba |

Why international tests don't show the full picture of Manitoba student achievement
Big data is great, but we need to be careful about how we use it and in what context — especially in light of what the latest results from a standardized international test suggest about Manitoba students, says educator Matt Henderson.
Canada -Manitoba |

As Manitoba reviews K-12 education system, focus needs to be on support for teachers
As Manitoba embarks on a major review of K-12 education, everything will be on the table. But it's vital, says Seven Oaks School Division assistant superintendent Matt Henderson that in this process, we don't lose sight of the vital role our teachers play in the success of Manitoba's students.
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