Nicole Chammartin
Nicole Chammartin is the executive director of Klinic Community Health Centre in Winnipeg and the Sexuality Education Resource Centre. She is the co-chair of the Canadian Association of Community Health Centres.
Latest from Nicole Chammartin

What does sex-ed mean, and why should it matter to you?
A review of Manitoba's K-12 education system is currently underway, offering several opportunities to give feedback both in person and through online surveys. Although this review is not specifically regarding sex and health education, this is a critical time to give voice to how we equip children to navigate an increasingly complex world.
Canada -Manitoba |

Point of View
'It was never OK': The work started by #MeToo isn't nearly done, and employers have a big part to play
It has been more than one year since the #MeToo hashtag went viral and I have been reflecting on what, if anything, has changed. Although I believe a lot has changed, we are nowhere near finished.
Canada -Manitoba |

Proper sex education gives kids decision-making skills and saves health dollars
Research shows a strong link between comprehensive sex education and positive sexual health behaviours among teens.
Canada -Manitoba |

New report offers hope, but we still have to admit we have a problem with mental health care in Manitoba
Manitoba has a problem. For some of us reading a new report on mental health care in the province, it may feel a little like seeing our dirty laundry laid out on the front porch, and sometimes it may hurt.
Canada -Manitoba |