Robert Lidstone
Robert Lidstone is a lived experience member of the St. Boniface Street Links Board of Directors.
Latest from Robert Lidstone

Point of View
Patrolling streets, building connections: Volunteers reach out to homeless, drug-addicted during pandemic
St. Boniface Street Links continues — amidst the COVID-19 pandemic — to serve those others have given up on, and those who've given up on themselves, says volunteer Robert Lidstone.
Canada -Manitoba |

Manitoba can, and should, do better for those fighting addiction
Ending homelessness and addiction will take more than new buildings, says Robert Lidstone, a recovering addict. He says it's time to invest at least as much in our human services — those that offer care, support and guidance — as we do in the physical infrastructure that protects us.
Canada -Manitoba |

Your city on drugs: Winnipeg needs to rethink approach to dealing with abuse
Opioid use is reaching epidemic proportions in Winnipeg, says Morberg House resident Robert Lidstone, and current approaches to the problem aren't working. He says appropriate housing and a range of options for those recovering from addiction are needed.
Canada -Manitoba |