Ruth Enns
Ruth Enns has been a teacher, a freelance writer for a rural weekly and is a published author. Following the death of her husband in 2007 she moved to Winnipeg from Sanford, Man., and switched from community-managed home care to the self-management program. She is a polio survivor and has glaucoma.
Latest from Ruth Enns

The deadly danger of ableism in health care during a pandemic
These are stressful times and front-line workers have laboured heroically in this pandemic. However, heroes have Achilles heels. Triage is one. Here are some things to consider, when questioning how ableism exists against people living with disability.
Canada -Manitoba |
Liberty or equality? Unrestricted access to medically assisted death endangers vulnerable people
Unlimited access to a medically hastened death does not guarantee equality for all. If people don't start out equal, how does removing safeguards equalize them?
Canada -Manitoba |

Liberation or confinement: People with disabilities have a right to manage their own lives
The Manitoba government treats people with disabilities as a liability, not an asset. The result is discrimination based on double standards, assuming what constitutes a good life for most is unrealistic for people with disabilities and a waste of precious resources.
Canada -Manitoba |

Point of View
Assisted suicide would jeopardize people with disabilities
In theory, legal assisted suicide sounds compassionate and safe, promising autonomy.
Canada -Manitoba |