Tyson Koschik
Tyson Koschik has been a videographer/editor for 20 years. He's worked on news and documentaries for CBC across the arctic, Greenland, Alberta, Manitoba and Washington, DC. He lives in Winnipeg with his wife and four kids.
Latest from Tyson Koschik

Student film encourages positivity in the face of COVID-19
A student-led group focused on mental health produced a video encouraging their classmates not to dwell on the negative during COVID-19 restrictions.
Canada -Manitoba |

Coming to terms with a First Nations ancestor who became a missionary
Winona Wheeler's ancestor, Charles Pratt, built five church missions along the Qu'Appelle River. He was one of 26 First Nations ministers spreading Christianity across the Prairies in the 1800s.
Canada -Manitoba |

Can a wrestling ring be a safe space? This promoter tosses hate out of the ring
Winnipeg has a long history with the sport of wrestling, much of it with roots in the days when ethnic groups battled each other in the ring. Now a promoter in Winnipeg has banned slurs, homophobic and racist chants at all wrestling shows to create a safe-space for all.
Canada -Manitoba |