Beautiful View, A

Company: Snakeskin Jacket
Genre: PlayΒ β Dramedy
Venue:Β 15 β Studio 320
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Take a great script and add fine actors. What do you get?Β A Beautiful View.Β
Erica Hoiss delivers one of the most effortless performances I've seen in years: complex, charming and utterly compelling. She is a perfect counterpoint to Winnipeg Fringe veteran Kerri Wolosyzn, who carries much of the comedy of the piece, deadpan.
There are many reasons to laugh, but I also found this the most moving Fringe play I have seen this year. Who are these women? Lovers? Friends? Exes? Enemies? It turns out they are as much in the dark as we are.
The play beautifully explores the tangled nature of love (or whatever we may call it), without becoming predictable or sentimental. Lies are told. In theatre as in life, none are more painful than the ones we tell ourselves.
This thoroughly entertaining production will get under your skin, a rarity in a festival too often characterized by easy laughs and sensationalism.