Man found dead at house in Winnipeg's West Kildonan area
Tuesday's homicide is the 23rd of 2016, which is similar to the average of 25 in recent years

A man was found dead Tuesday morning with what police say are "multiple suspicious injuries."
Police went to a house on Belmont Avenue, off Main Street, around 4:30 a.m. after receiving a call to check on someone at the residence. The caller suggested the person might have suffered life-threatening injuries, according to police service spokesman Const. Jason Michalyshen.
"Obviously we very quickly made our way there and … a very unfortunate discovery," he said, but would not reveal whether the man was located inside or outside of the house.
Michalyshen also wouldn't provide information about the man's age or his injuries or if police believe a weapon was used.
"I fully understand there is some vagueness to my release today, however it's for good reason. It's for reasons of our investigation," he said.
"We don't want to provide details prematurely. We want to, obviously, maintain the integrity of the investigation and provide details in an appropriate way."
Interviews are ongoing and once those are completed, the police will share more information publicly, Michalyshen said.
An autopsy will also provide information about when the man likely died, he added.
Tuesday's homicide is the 23rd of the year, which is similar to the average of 25 over the previous number of years, Michalyshen said.