Blizzard conditions expected in southwestern Manitoba, including Brandon
10-15 centimetres of snow expected, with northeast winds gusting 60-70 km/h: Environment Canada

A blizzard warning has replaced a snowfall warning in parts of southwestern Manitoba for Saturday, including the city of Brandon, Environment Canada says.
Deteriorating conditions are expected to lead to poor visibility and blowing snow in the southwest corner of the province, the weather agency said as it upgraded its warning around noon on Saturday.
An expected 10-15 centimetres of snow, driven by northeast winds gusting between 60 and 70 km/h, will result in very poor visibility Saturday afternoon, Environment Canada says, but conditions are likely to start improving through the evening hours.
Blizzard conditions have already been reported in southeastern Saskatchewan.
In addition to Brandon, the areas with snowfall warnings include:
- Neepawa.
- Carberry.
- Treherne.
- Killarney.
- Pilot Mound.
- Manitou.
- Virden.
- Souris.
- Melita.
- Boissevain.
- Turtle Mountain Provincial Park.

Environment Canada cautions against travel in the region, due to potentially hazardous conditions on highways.
Snowfall warnings remain in effect for the city of Winnipeg, as well as the following southern Manitoba areas:
- Minnedosa.
- Riding Mountain National Park.
- Morden.
- Winkler.
- Altona.
- Morris.
- Portage la Prairie.
- Headingley.
- Brunkild.
- Carman.
- Sprague.
- Northwest Angle Provincial Forest.
- Ste. Rose.
- McCreary.
- Alonsa.
- Gladstone.
- Steinbach.
- St. Adolphe.
- Emerson.
- Vita.
- Richer.

Between 10 and 20 centimetres of snow is expected in those areas.
Winnipeg's snow-clearing crews are monitoring road conditions as the snow accumulates, a release from the city says.