Rally calling for justice for Colten Boushie shuts down Portage and Main Sunday
Police were on scene as a small group shut down the busy intersection

Rallies calling for justice for Colten Boushie continued into Sunday, with one small gathering briefly shutting down Portage and Main.
On Friday a jury found Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley not guilty of second-degree murder in the shooting death of Boushie — a 22-year-old man from the Red Pheasant Cree Nation.
The verdict sparked outrage across Canada.
Around 1 p.m. Sunday a small group gathered at Winnipeg's busy Portage Ave. and Main St. intersection, singing, drumming and carrying flags.

Police controlled traffic as the group shut down the intersection in all directions for about 20 minutes, which caused a traffic backlog.
The intersection reopened after the protesters ended their demonstration.
One of the rally's attendees, Simon Davis, says he came out because he's disgusted with the verdict.
"This is a really terrible thing, and I think everyone in the country should be angry about this," he said.