Bundle up, baby, it's cold out there in Winnipeg
Stuff your mitts with hand warmers today, you're going to need it.

Stuff your mitts with hand warmers today, you're going to need it.
If you're walking or waiting for a bus, you might want to also stuff some in your boots. And car engines will be wheezing and straining to start, if they start at all.
Happy Monday.
Winnipeg forecast
- Cloudy, high –20 C but windchill of –36.
- Snow beginning this morning. Amount 2 cm.
- Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 this afternoon.
- TONIGHT light snow ending early in evening.
- Wind becomes light.
- Overnight low –27 C. Wind chill –36.
Normal temperatures for this time of year are a daytime high of –13 C and overnight low of –24 C.