Cheapskate has 5 tips for being slim without a gym

What's your excuse for not fitting fitness into your life? Not enough time? Not enough money for a gym membership?
Everyone wants to feel good and look good. And there are simple and cheap ways to do it, according to Jeremy Bradley.
Bradley is a Winnipegger who is always on the lookout for creative ways to save money, whether it's on his heating bill, buying gifts, eating out or exercising.
Earlier this year, he launched his book The Official Guide to Being a Winnipeg Cheapskate. Since then his books have been flying off the shelves and Bradley has been sharing his tips, on CBC, on his own radio program and in online videos.
He says there are some obvious things you can do to get slim without a gym.
Here are his five tips for exercising at home:

How many people can say they worked up a sweat during the commercials? Unless, of course, it was during the Bachelorette finale and you wondered who she’d pick. Am I alone on that one? Please answer with, “Love your sarcasm, Jeremy.”
2. Something I don’t always find fun is talking on the phone. I talk on the radio for a living so I just want to shut up sometimes. But there some people that you HAVE to talk to. And when my mom calls (cue the hate mail on that joke) or anyone for that matter, I walk through the house. Instead of sitting on the couch and gabbing away as I eat junk food, I walk from the living room to my bedroom upstairs, then down to the basement and up through the kitchen and back to the living room. Before I know it I have been walking for 45 minutes and I didn’t get frostbite or a boot full of snow.
3. Strengthen the arms by playing with the dog. If you have a big dog like I do – I actually have two – and they like bringing you a rubber tuggy toy or knotted rope, use that to strengthen your arms. When you pull with all your might and then release and let the dog pull it from you and then you pull it back towards you, the motion is not much different than you would get lifting clanking metal weights – or whatever weights are made out of. I don’t go to the gym. My house is one big workout facility.
4. Dance, dance, dance! One of the sections in The Official Guide to Being a Winnipeg Cheapskate is about how to enjoy a weekend without spending much money. Fire up YouTube, crank the speakers and relive some of your favourite songs from childhood and dance the night away. You’d be surprised how “related matches” on the side of the page will jog your memory and before you know it you’ll have spent a few hours rocking out to your favourite tunes.

Hear Jeremy Bradley on Information Radio on Monday December 9 at 6:45.