'We're ready': Winnipeg Christmas Cheer Board prepares for holiday rush
New refugees in Winnipeg could lead to uptick in need this year, according to organizers

Christmas is still more than a month away and while the weather outside might still have some running the air conditioning, the heat is already on inside the warehouse at Winnipeg's Christmas Cheer Board to prepare for a possible increase in requests.
"We're ready. I think we can handle things," Cheer Board director Kai Madsen said. "We're expecting to do somewhere between 18,000 and 18,500 hampers."
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"As you know we've had a number of refugees settle in Winnipeg so there are going to be some changes. Just what they turn out to be is hard to tell at this point," he added.
Monday will be the first day applications are accepted for this year's Cheer Board Christmas hampers.
Madsen predicts the Cheer Board will need 200 to 300 more hampers this year than last year — a slight increase after level numbers for the past five years, he said.
He expects a huge rush on the phones Monday morning when the application lines open and said people should get their name on the list as soon as they can.
Nice weather worries Madsen
But while the Cheer Board is picking up the pace, Madsen worries that donors might not — because of recent warm weather.
"We do get a little concerned about the fundraising because when you have this nice gorgeous weather and people are mowing their lawns and playing golf, it's kind of hard to motivate them," he said.
He hopes donors don't simply forget to get in touch, since there's no Christmas-like weather to remind them.
But there haven't been any issues getting volunteers so far, Madsen said.
About 4,000 volunteers are needed at the Cheer Board yearly, everything from delivery to packing and assembly.
"The Cheer Board is just a big family and the folks that come in and volunteer feel like it's a big family," he said. "The organization belongs to everybody and, you know, we're just here to make sure people are looked after."
For more information on how to apply for a Christmas hamper or to volunteer, visit the Cheer Board's website.