QUIZ: So you think you know Manitoba's winter weather?
Are you an ace when it comes to weather knowledge? Are you the first to toss out the current wind chill at a party? Do you feel like you’re all clear skies and sunshine with your facts and not at all a winter storm warning? Try our quiz to find out how you match up to John Sauder!
Find out how you would match up against John Sauder in a weather-facts battle

When it comes to weather, John Sauder is Manitoba's #1 go-to guy. And it's not just because he has a voice that would soothe a stranded cow in the path of a twister. Oh no, it's because he brings the weather facts. He lives them, he breathes them, he most certainly pinpoints them on the radar. A Colorado low is no match to our well-informed meteorologist.
Like John, are you an ace when it comes to weather knowledge? Are you the first to toss out the current wind chill numbers at a party? Do you feel like you're all clear skies and sunshine with your weather knowledge and not at all a winter storm warning?
Try our quiz to find out how you would match up against John Sauder in a weather-facts battle: