New conservation area to protect wetland birds: nature group
Area includes a mix of forest, savanna, grasslands, expansive wetlands

The Nature Conservancy of Canada says the Swan Lake Wetland-Parkland Complex project near Lundar is more than 935 hectares.
It says the area is a mix of forest, savanna, grasslands and expansive wetlands which tie into Big Swan Lake and the surrounding smaller shallow water lakes.
It says bird surveys conducted in the area found 86 bird species, including four threatened species at risk — the least bittern, Eastern Whip-poor-will, bobolink and barn swallow.
The conservancy says the open wetlands along the east end of the property are important for many wetland bird species, including sandhill crane, great blue heron and American white pelican.
Environment Canada contributed more than $521,000, which was used to help buy the land and cover off other project costs, surveys, appraisals, biological inventories for all species and habitats, and a property management plan.
"It's exciting for our 200th project to have been a wetland as there's many important reasons to conserve Manitoba's wetlands," Kevin Teneycke, senior director of conservation with the Nature Conservancy of Canada in Manitoba said in a news release.
"Wetlands help clean water, reduce flooding and erosion, minimize drought and provide plants and animals with food, water, shelter and a place to call home. During warmer months, wetlands also provide excellent recreational spots and learning opportunities."