Coyote shot by police in Winnipeg's North End
Winnipeg police have killed a coyote that was running around in the city's North End on Tuesday afternoon.
Police shot the coyote as it was running down Boyd Avenue at around 3:30 p.m.

Wayne Matthews said he was watching television at home when he noticed something going on outside.
"I heard a bunch of 'Bang bang bang bang,' and all of a sudden somebody's going to the side," he told CBC News.
Matthews said he initially thought someone was throwing icicles at his house, but he phoned police and learned the banging noise was actually gunfire.
He said police told him a coyote had been running in the neighbourhood for the past few days, so officers were called in to kill it.
Zeeshan Waheed said he was cutting down trees nearby when he saw two police cruisers fly by. Minutes later, he heard four gunshots, he said.
While Matthews did not see the coyote, he said he's glad the animal has been taken out of the neighbourhood before it can attack a child.
Matthews said police told him the coyote carcass would be tested for rabies before being disposed of.
People living in Winnipeg's Point Douglas neighbourhood have been raising concerns this week about coyote sightings there and in nearby areas.
Elsewhere in the city, resident Earl Palansky said he was walking south on the west side of the Red River, near the Chief Peguis Bridge, when he spotted a coyote on the river's east bank about two weeks ago.