Enforcement officers hand out 13 tickets to Manitobans accused of breaking COVID-19 rules last week
3 tickets given out related to public gatherings

Enforcement officers handed out 13 tickets totalling $11,858 in fines, as well as 100 warnings, to Manitobans accused of breaking COVID-19 regulations last week.
The tickets included eight $1,296 fines given to individuals for various offences, and five $298 tickets to people accused of failing to wear a mask in an indoor public place.
Three of the $1,296 tickets were related to public gatherings, a Tuesday news release from the province says, while one was given to an individual at Northgate Car Wash in Winnipeg, according to information posted on the province's website.
Meanwhile, three tickets were issued to people accused of failing to self-isolate, and one was given to a person accused of unnecessary travel to northern Manitoba, according to the province's website.
There have now been close to $1.6 million in fines given out to Manitobans since last April.