Family of man buried without their knowledge wants inquiry
Family of Wilson Hall say many questions about man’s death remain

The family of a homeless man is demanding an inquiry into how he could have been buried without their knowledge.
Wilson Hall was 64 when he died of a heart attack in April. Authorities knew the man’s identity at the time but had no next of kin on record, so he was buried in Brookside Cemetery shortly after.
The man’s family found out in early August that Wilson had been dead and buried for months.
Wilson was homeless at the time of his death, and relatives said it was not unusual for him to be out of touch with his family for weeks or sometimes months.
After three months had passed, they decided to file a missing person report. That’s when they found out Wilson had died of a heart attack in April and had already been buried.
Authorities apologized to the family, but now the family is calling for an inquiry.
Patrick Hall, Wilson’s brother, held a press conference on Monday, and alleged his brother had a prescription bottle on him at the time of his death that could have been used to find the family.
Patrick said the bottle had the name of his brother’s doctor on it and that information could have been used to track down family members.
Wilson’s family want an inquiry into his death to answer a number of questions they have about his death.