Flooding spills into election campaign

Floods in 2011 affected thousands of Manitobans and voters are watching closely the efforts of the provincial government to compensate victims and protect against future flooding.
Houses, cottages and farm properties were damaged and some even destroyed as water levels rose on Lake Manitoba and along the Assiniboine River basin.
Along the shores of Lake Manitoba, for example, 2,000 people were displaced.
In terms of farms, 1.2 million hectares of farmland have been destroyed, according to Keystone Agricultural Producers.
The cost of the 2011 floods: A few facts
- $750 million, including $200 million committed to agri-recovery and $250 million in flood fighting.
- In addition to the $750 million, another $150 million will be spent on future flood mitigation and permanent flood protection.
- A further $100 million to be spent on the construction of an emergency channel to lower levels of Lake St. Martin and Lake Manitoba.
In all, the flood expenses totals about $601 per Manitoban, compared to about $207 per Manitoban on capital investment in education in the 2011-2012 budget.
Breakdown of expected expenses for future flood mitigation:
[Click on the thumbnails]