Spring provincial exams cancelled for Grade 12 students due to COVID-19
January exams were cancelled as well

The province has cancelled Grade 12 provincial exams for June because of the impact the pandemic has continued to have on education in Manitoba.
However, teachers are expected to continue to assess students for grades at the end of the year, a provincial spokesperson said via email.
Provincial exams in January were also cancelled due to the pandemic.
Education Minister Cliff Cullen is expected to give more details during a 2 p.m. news conference.
James Bedford, president of the Manitoba Teachers Society, said it's welcome news given that this school year has been filled with unpredictability and the uncertainty around the restrictions schools might be under in June.
For example, if all students were learning remotely, it would be difficult to administer the exams, he said.
Preparing for provincial exams is a huge undertaking for students and teachers in a normal year, he said.
"I think we need to recognize that exams create anxiety in any given year for students and quite frankly, they generate anxiety for teachers as well," he said.
"When I taught math in Grade 12, I was always concerned about how my students were going to do on this exam that I'd never seen before. So it alleviates that anxiety level for all."
Not having to devote so much class time to helping students prepare for a provincial exam allows teachers to spend more time teaching the curriculum and addressing individual students' needs, he said.
There's also the issue of fairness, because students who wrap up a class in January aren't taking provincial exams, he said.
"Making the decision for June means that the entire graduating class are being treated fairly," he said.