How Manitoba may change under a PC government
After winning a historic majority, Brian Pallister promises lower taxes

In his victory speech Tuesday night, Premier-designate Brian Pallister made a series of promises about how Manitoba will change under his leadership — from improving literacy rates to making government more open.
The only thing better than "today" in Manitoba, he said, would be "tomorrow."
- Brian Pallister's PCs win majority government in Manitoba
- Brian Pallister feels 'awesome, humbled' by election win
Pallister promised to make policy decisions that would to spur the economy and turn Manitoba from a have-not province into a have-province.
"I'm thankful," said Pallister. "Because I can join with Manitobans in getting this province back on track — we're builders here. And now we have the opportunity to build."
Pallister said his government would look for greater government efficiencies to improve services and lower taxes.
"We'll be a government that finds and eliminates the waste, the overlap, the duplication and returns the savings to Manitobans," said Pallister.
More transparency, promises Pallister
Under the Progressive Conservatives, Manitobans can expect a more transparent and open government, Pallister promised. He said he will make changes to ensure that in his first term as premier.
"We will advance an open government program that will put Manitoba at the forefront of the most transparent and ethical governments in the world," he said.
Future Manitoba government contracts will be subject to a fair bidding process to get the best deal for taxpayer money, said the premier-designate.
"We are the best shoppers and we have to be because we have some of Canada's highest taxes," he said.
"We will provide government that shops as carefully with the money you pay in taxes, as you do."
Reducing child poverty rates
Manitoba leads the country in social challenges, said Pallister. A pillar of addressing one of those issues, child poverty, will be reinvesting in education.
"Some of you know that my mother was a teacher," said Pallister. A lesson he said she shared with him was the best way to achieve your dreams, is to get a good education.
The PCs will invest in early-years reading, he said, and increase bursaries and scholarships for students pursuing post-secondary education.
"We will be, in our first term, Canada's most improved province in reading, in math," promised Pallister.
Indigenous and immigrant children must be included in that progress, he added.
Working with business community
Brian Pallister said his PC government will "listen to small business" and reduce red tape and spur job creation.
The premier-designate reiterated a campaign promise to see Manitoba join the new New West Partnership Trade Agreement with Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta.
Pallister also promised to showcase Manitoba to others across the country and boost tourism.
"[Manitoba] is Canada's best kept secret and that ends tonight," he said.