Jade Harper
Jade is the founder & owner of SpiritFusion, a mobile yoga & wellness studio that integrates Indigenous teachings & Eastern practices encouraging holistic wellness.
Harper is a community and social activist in Winnipeg.
At 29, Jade was voted onto the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre's board of directors by her peers and just one year later appointed as the chairperson, a position which Jade continues to hold.
In addition to the above:
- past Beyond Borders board member (six years).
- Suicide prevention in northern Manitoba.
- Co-founder of The Village Walk.
- Curator of the "Half-breeds in their Natural Environment: Taking back the Carte de Visit."
- U of M student: Native Studies major & minor in nutrition.
- Indigenous Advisory Council member, Winnipeg Police Service.
- Understanding and working with children and youth who have been sexually exploited.
- Strong philanthropist throughout Manitoba.
- And more but can't fit here…
You *must* meet this MOST dynamic person to learn more!
Nominated by: Constance Menzies
Follow Jade Harper on Twitter: @spiritfusion_ca