Kids Help Phone now just a text away for young Manitobans in crisis
CBC chatted with advisory committee member Michael Champagne — by txt msg, of course — to learn more

The trial period for a new Kids Help Phone text service program is launching in Manitoba this month, allowing kids in crisis to connect with confidential support via text.
The English-only trial period for the Crisis Text Line starts in Manitoba in mid-February. After the trial, Kids Help Phone will roll out the text line nationally in both English and French.
According to Kids Help Phone, there is no charge for sending or receiving texts under the confidential service, and they won't count as prepaid texts under texting plans, either.
In the spirit of the text line, CBC News conducted an interview entirely via text with Michael Champagne, a Winnipeg activist and community advocate who served on the Kids Help Phone texting advisory council.
The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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With files from Tessa Vanderhart