Lisa Gibson case with Manitoba’s chief medical examiner
Manitoba’s health minister urges women in need of help to reach out

The investigation into the deaths of Lisa Gibson and her two young children is now in the hands of Manitoba’s Chief Medical Examiner.
Gibson’s body was pulled from the Red River this weekend, after her two children were found clinging to life in a bathtub in her home. They later died.
Police have not said how the children died or what circumstances lead to their deaths but have said postpartum mental health issues are a factor in their investigation.
On Tuesday, Manitoba’s health minister Theresa Oswald said all of Gibson’s previous contact with the province’s medical system has been passed on to Thambirajah Balachandra, the province’s medical examiner.
Balachandra is now tasked with doing a full review, which is expected to be completed in the late fall.
Oswald said it is too early to come to any conclusions about Gibson’s contact with health professionals, but Oswald believes the usual protocols were followed.
She said if Balanchandra finds that they were not, things will change.
"If there is anything, absolutely anything, that we can be doing differently, you can rest assured that we will do that without delay," she said.
Oswald also said she had a message for all Manitoba women. "If you are a mom or a grandparent and you are feeling worried today, there is help. And all we want you to do is reach out for that help," she said.
Winnipeg police plan community event
Winnipeg police announced Tuesday they would be holding a community event to help people deal with the tragedy.
Officers have coordinated with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, the provincial mobile crisis unit, Klinic and Manitoba Family Services to have an information and support evening for residents.
The event will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the Kirkfield Westwood Community Centre, not far from where the children were found.
Police encouraged the public to attend to get information about services available to "assist them in dealing with any emotional difficulty they may be experiencing."
Winnipeg Police Service's Community Resources Evening announcement
Most, if not all Winnipeggers are aware of the tragic events that occurred last week in Westwood. As a community, we are trying to come to terms with what took place and we search for answers that may never come. While we cannot change what occurred, we can try to provide some comfort to one another with the hope that time will heal some of our wounds. The Winnipeg Police Service and the Community Services Department have partnered with a number of social service agencies who will be available during the evening of Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm at the Kirkfield Westwood Community Centre, 165 Sansome Avenue. This will include members from the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Mobile Crisis Unit, Klinic, and Manitoba Family Services. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to drop in and access information about services available to assist them in dealing with any emotional difficulty they may be experiencing.
Representatives from the attending agencies will also be available to provide further information on services available.