Make Cory Care: Help us get this Manitoba man to vote for the first time
Cory Alleyne is 37 and has never voted in his life. We want to convince him to vote.
Meet Cory Alleyne.
A lifelong Manitoban. Has a steady job. Taxpaying homeowner.
"I am 37 years old and I have never, ever voted in my entire life."
We want you to convince Cory to vote, and want your emails, tweets and videos. Here's why.
Cory's partner is Tara Law. She's voted in every single election since she was 18.

"When I first met Cory and found out he didn't vote, I have to be honest. It was almost a deal breaker."
But in fact, there are a lot of Manitobans like Cory out there. In the 2011 provincial election, roughly 44 per cent of Manitobans didn't vote.
Likewise in the 2007 and 2003 elections.
The question is "why?"
Take Cory and Tara, for example. They live in a modest bungalow in the Winnipeg riding of Fort Garry-Riverview. He's a manager in a call centre. She's a teacher.

Tara lives and breathes politics.
"My mother used to take me to the polls with her when I was a little girl."
Cory has always just assumed his vote wouldn't make a difference.
"I figure I'll pay taxes, no matter who's in charge. So I don't really worry about it."
Cory's hobbies include professional wrestling, where he's known as 'Cory Kincaid.'
"It's a funny character. It's not a serious character. I can't be a bad guy because that would upset my mother."
But something's changed in Cory's life. He's now a father. To four-month-old son Max.
"I want to see what's available for him. I want to see what's available for his education. What's available for his future. Just like any parent."
Tara thinks that with a little help, we can convince Cory to vote.
"He is such a great guy and he cares so much for his family. He is the kind of voter we want."
And that's where you come in, Manitoba!
During the next five weeks, we want to convince Cory why he should vote and why it would make a difference. We'll introduce him to candidates. We'll find out what issues matter to him. We'll find out what the party leaders have to say about that.
And come April 19th, we'll see if we've convinced him to go to the polls and cast a ballot.
Help us out Manitoba! Tell us why you think Cory should vote:
- Send us a message on Facebook
- Tweet at us, or take a short video with your smartphone, and use the hashtag #MakeCoryCare
- Email us at
- Upload a picture or video to Instagram with your message and the hashtag #MakeCoryCare
Let's #MakeCoryCare.