Bid to smuggle child sexual-abuse imagery into Manitoba nets American 20-month sentence
CBSA says 15 seizures of suspected images have been made so far this year just in Prairie region

A Minnesota man has been sentenced to 20 months in jail for attempting to smuggle child sexual-abuse imagery across the Manitoba border.
The Canada Border Services Agency said Tuesday the Minnesota man, 26, entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to 20 months in jail for trying to smuggle child pornography.
The CBSA said the man tried to enter Canada at the Emerson port of entry in May. Officers pulled him aside for secondary screening. They discovered suspected child sexual-abuse imagery when they inspected an electronic device.
Officers arrested the man and seized the device before referring it to the CBSA's criminal investigations department, which found more pictures and videos containing sexual-abuse imagery.
The CBSA called Tuesday's sentencing significant, adding it's already made 15 suspected child sexual-abuse imagery seizures so far this year just in the Prairie region.