Manitoba invests $15M in Assiniboine Park redevelopment project
Construction of Canada's Diversity Gardens to begin in 2017
The Manitoba government says it will invest $15 million in Canada's Diversity Gardens, the final major phase of Assiniboine Park Conservancy's $200-million redevelopment project.

When completed, Diversity Gardens will be an "iconic landmark" in Manitoba, said Selinger.
The attraction will replace the current Assiniboine Park Conservatory, which is more than 100 years old and nearing the end of its lifespan, an Assiniboine Park Conservancy spokeswoman said.
Aside from the province's investment, funding for Diversity Gardens has come from private donations and other levels of government, said a Tuesday news release.
Diversity Gardens is comprised of four parts, called "cornerstones":
The Leaf, a 6,000-square-metre facility with tropical and Mediterranean biodomes, a butterfly house and classrooms, connected together by a series of paths.
Indigenous Peoples' Garden, a gathering place where visitors can learn about aboriginal perspectives, cultural practices and contributions.
Cultural Mosaic Gardens, an "ornamental horticultural masterpiece" featuring garden styles from countries across the northern hemisphere.
The Grove, where visitors can take in the majesty of the park's trees year-round.
Along with providing a destination for tourists to explore, Diversity Gardens will provide a year-round living classroom for Manitobans where people can learn about plant life, the Assiniboine Park Conservancy says.
Construction of Canada's Diversity Gardens is set to begin in 2017.