Manitoba teens among worst in math skills

Math scores among Manitoba teens have plummeted since 2003, putting the province near the bottom of Canadian provinces.
The scores come from an international study of math skills among teens aged 15 and 16.
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Canada was among 65 countries and economies participating in the assessment by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which takes place every three years. The report, released Tuesday, covers findings of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment — or PISA — from 2012.

In Manitoba, the proportion of students that have failed to obtain even the most basic skills doubled in the past nine years, according to the OECD.
University of Winnipeg math professor and advocate of back-to-basics teaching, Anna Stokke, said she's not surprised.
She blames the result on the province adopting a radical curriculum that taught students multiple strategies for simple math, which she says was confusing for parents and students alike.
"Something that should be really simple ends up being really complicated and I think it's a huge mistake because math doesn't have to be that difficult. But it does have to be taught properly," Stokke said.
That confusing curriculum was officially adopted in 2008, though some teachers had been using it prior to then, according to Education Minister James Allum.
He has seen the OECD report and said the results are concerning and he hopes the trend can be turned around.
"We take that very very seriously. I find it quite unacceptable and so we want to go out and start making a difference," he said.
As of September this year, Manitoba students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 went back to some of the old ways of learning math as the province realized its ways weren't working.