MGEU watching to ensure Brian Pallister will 'keep public services public'
Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union says it will work with the premier-designate

Michelle Gawronsky, president of the Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (MGEU) said she plans to work with Premier-designate Brian Pallister.
"We're willing to work with him and the best way we can get anything done is by working together," she said.
While she congratulated Pallister on his election win, Gawronsky said she plans to hold him to account after he is sworn in as premier.
"He repeatedly said he's going to keep public services public and the membership and myself, as the president of the largest union in Manitoba, we will definitely be holding him to that," said Gawronsky.
Pallister said during the campaign he would not privatize Manitoba Hydro but he would not rule out privatizing aspects of health care.
After the Manitoba Liberals promised to privatize liquor sales, Pallister said he would not do that, saying Manitobans had more important priorities.
Gawronsky described MGEU's relationship with departing premier Greg Selinger as a "working relationship."
"We're a nonpartisan union and we would with whichever government is there. We're willing to work with any government in office," said Gawronsky.
MGEU represents 40,000 employees in Manitoba.