#MobileMuslims stop in Winnipeg to change misconceptions of Islam
Exhibition travelling coast-to-coast to answer questions about Islam

A mobile exhibition is pulling into Winnipeg this weekend to inform Canadians about Islam and change common misconceptions.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada has launched a nationwide campaign called #MobileMuslims where the exhibition on wheels stops in more than 25 towns and cities across the country.
"[The exhibit's purpose] is to give the message of peace, the real message of Islam and remove any misconceptions that fellow Canadians have," said Zulfiqar Ali, a spokesperson and imam in Winnipeg.
He said it is increasingly important that people understand the vast majority of Muslims around the world live by a message of peace "so that we can bridge gaps and remove the misconceptions of anyone who is interested, they can come and speak to us," Zulfigar said.
The exhibit includes books, pictures and a documentary but Zulfigar said the most important part is that people are able to ask questions.
On Behalf of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, We want to Thank Canada for 50 Years of Religious Freedom. TY. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MobileMuslims?src=hash">#MobileMuslims</a> <a href="https://t.co/r4sG2GEarN">pic.twitter.com/r4sG2GEarN</a>
The exhibition is also a celebration of the community's presence in Canada for 50 years.
The campaign started on July 13 in Newfoundland and will finish on Aug. 10 in Saskatoon, Sask.