NDP to reinstate home mail delivery if elected, Martin says
Nearly 1,300 signatures gathered for petition to repeal Canada Post move to community mailboxes
The federal NDP promise to reinstate door-to-door mail delivery service in Winnipeg if elected, MP Pat Martin says.

Canada Post started phasing out its home delivery service in 2014. Thousands of Winnipeg homeowners had their neighbourhoods converted to the community mailbox system last fall.
A list of financial considerations were cited for the move, but it hasn't gone over well in many parts of Canada.
"The government told us from the start that the decision to end home mail delivery is a financial one, but this is not true," Martin said, adding Canada Post's net profits for last year were $200 million.
"Let's put ideology aside and provide the services that Canadians rely on."
Martin's office said the party has received 1,279 signatures on a petition urging the federal government to repeal its five-year plan to eliminate door-to-door delivery.