No charges for man who told Dauphin church to 'burn in hell' for sponsoring refugees
While no criminal charges were laid, the man was warned about his inappropriate behaviour, RCMP say

No charges are being laid after Dauphin, Man. church members received threats over plans to sponsor Syrian refugees.
RCMP say the man responsible for making the phone calls lives in Calgary.
On Nov. 19, one of the church's volunteers received a phone call from the man, who said he hoped the church would "burn in hell."
"The individual made it quite clear that they were not in support of what we were doing [by sponsoring refugees]," said Ron Marlin, who organized the sponsorship program.
Investigators called the man and went to his house, but determined "the threshold for criminal charges has not been met."
The man was warned about his inappropriate behavior, though, according to officers.
"The steps of our investigation have also confirmed that there never was, and currently is no real threat to the church in relation to this incident," an RCMP spokesperson told CBC.